Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I guess I'll start this thing

So the Lord's Prayer says, in part, "On Earth as it is in Heaven".  This works fine for earthlings, but what happens when someone is praying in Space?  How about on Mars?  Can it be changed to reflect the current location, or is it unchangable?

And how about other prayers, like the Prayer of the Hours: "Thou, who at all times, at every hour, in Heaven and on Earth, art worshipped and glorified, O Christ God. . ."  Is that more changeable?

1 comment:

D. G. D. Davidson said...

I propose that the Lord's Prayer should be the same in the heavens as it is on Earth, for the following reasons:

1. The words of the prayer come to us from Holy Writ. Though Luke and Matthew disagree on its precise wording, the prayer is nonetheless received from scripture and universally practiced throughout the Church and ought not to be changed according to individual circumstance.

2. The maintaining of the Lord's Prayer as presently recited, even in space, has precedence. To wit, a film, the title of which I can't remember, once shown on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, shows a man floating in space, soon to die, reciting the Lord's Prayer according to its received format. I believe a search of sf literature will reveal the situation is much the same elsewhere.